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Mission Statement

Growing, Learning, Loving in Christ; United in Play, Prayer and Peace
We grow in understanding and faith to be the best we can be.
We learn about a world outside of our school.
We love one another as Jesus taught us through the Gospels.
We are united in all that we do.
We play together, caring for each other.
We pray that we can become closer to God.
We want peace in our school, community and world.

Newman Catholic Collegiate Mission Statement

Growing together for life.

The Newman Catholic Collegiate is a group of nine schools that believe through collaboration we can grow together to improve each and every individual. Whilst each of our schools is unique, we know that by growing together we are able to offer the highest quality Catholic education for children aged 2 -19, centred on the teachings of Christ.

Our collegiate:

  • Ensures that transition is smooth, meaning that children are able to start high school knowing the school and staff and the staff know them.
  • Shares best practice across all our schools meaning that all children benefit from the best possible experiences.
  • Works closely together to ensure we provide the best quality Catholic education to all of our children.
  • Offers an inclusive environment that welcomes and celebrates the uniqueness of everyone.
  • Works closely with ITT (Initial Teacher Training) providers to ensure we are growing our own Catholic teachers and leaders of the future.
  • Supports each other to improve outcomes for all the children we serve.
  • Benefits from a high quality central team ensuring we always get value for money and economies of scale meaning our money goes further.
  • Studies the latest educational research meaning the actions are evidence based and impact on pupil outcomes.
  • Ensures we develop the character of our children as we believe that to be the best you need to see the best.
  • Values our staff.
  • Is committed to supporting the Diocesan vision and merge with our two other local MACs so we form a strong, larger MAC at the heart of our Catholic communities.

Our collegiate aim is for all of our children to start in one of our Nurseries and spend seventeen years of their lives ‘Growing Together for Life’

School Prayer

Playing, praying,
learning, loving too,
these are God’s gifts to share
with you.
We grant you peace at the break of each day,
growing together in our own
special way.