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School Meals

Healthy eating is encouraged in the school and in conjunction with the City Catering operates an Eco Menu.

Dinner Money 

Nursery - £27.00 per week (£12.00 dinner money and £15.00 lunchtime supervision). However, those families entitled to claim 30 hours free early years education will not be required to pay for the lunchtime supervision.

Reception to Year 2 – Under The Children and Families Act 2014 all infant pupils are entitled to Universal Free School Meals regardless of income.

Years 3 to 6 - £15.50 per week (£3.10 per meal).

All children, from Nursery to Year 6 have the option to bring sandwiches to school. Children need to stay with their choice of meal for the half term.

Dinner money must be paid on Scopay every Monday in advance of receiving a meal.

Pupils are allowed to bring healthy snacks into school e.g. fruit, toast/cheese & oatcake.

St. George and St. Martin’s recognises the importance of drinking water regularly throughout the day. Children are encouraged to bring water bottles to school which they can fill when needed during the school day.

All new parents are asked to complete a Free School Meal Checking Form on their child's admission to school. This is regardless of whether parents are eligible or not.