We would like to introduce you to our Reception Staff
Miss. Arnold - Classteacher
Ms. I. Humphrey - Classroom Assistant
Miss. Jones - Early Years Apprentice
Summer 2024
Reception staff hope you all had an ‘Egg-cellent’ Easter, filled with lots of chocolate and precious family time.
It is the final term of the year which means a new exciting topic. This term, the children will be submerged in a learning environment of ‘All creatures great and small’ which will be taught through the seven areas of learning: communication, language and literacy, personal, social and emotional development, physical development, literacy, maths, knowledge of the world and expressive arts and design.
In RE, we will be learning about Easter, Pentecost, People who care for us and Prayer
In RHE we will be learning about; being the best I can be
Here are just some of the many activities that the children will be involved in during the next term:
- Daily phonics lessons to support reading and writing
- Extending our writing using our phonics to write simple sentences, including punctuating with a capital letter and full stop.
- PE lessons, in balance, throwing and catching, team games and practice our Athletics for Sports Day.
- Labelling our beautiful pictures using our phonics
- Reading and exploring non-fiction books about All Creatures Great and small.
- Learning number bonds to 5 and 10
- Learning doubles within numbers to 10, sharing and grouping
- Learning even and odd numbers within numbers to 10
- Matching and rotating shapes
- Lots of arts and craft- practicing our creativity
- Exploring the features of different animals
- Explore, compare and contrast different habitats
- Learn about herbivores and carnivores
- Learning new songs/ rhymes/ dances
- Practice letter formation- ensuring we aren’t letter reversing
- Watching and learning our Egg Incubator- monitor, observe and then finally care for our little chicks.
We will also be reading lots of stories by our class author Roger Hargreaves, as well as lots of stories, poems and non-fiction books about dinosaurs, farm animals and mini beasts, such as Dinosaur Galore, The Bad-Tempered Ladybird, dinosaurs love underpants, plus many more!
Don’t forget to book in your Secret Story teller time with Miss Arnold the children love to have stories read to them by different family members.
If you have any question or queries don’t hesitate to contact me through the school office email:
Spring 2024
Our topic this term is ‘Step into a Story’, which will be taught through the areas of learning: Religious Education, Communication and Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
In RE, we will be learning about Christmas, Baptism, Lent and Holy Week.
Here are just some of the many activities that the children will be involved in during the next term:
- Learning new rhymes and poems
- Seasonal changes in winter
- Explore the festival of Chinese New Year
- Make pancakes
- The Three Little Pigs- Houses and homes- Explore the materials used to make a strong house. Discuss houses and homes from around the world and explore the similarities and differences.
- Jack & the Beanstalk– planting
- Life cycles
- Seasonal changes in Spring
- Articulate their ideas and thoughts in well-formed sentences and connect ideas using connectives. Describe events in some detail.
- Use picture clues to help read a simple text.
- Predict and anticipate key events based on illustrations, story content and title.
- Orally compose a sentence and hold it in memory before attempting to write it
- Read simple phrases and sentences made up of words with known letter–sound correspondences
- Composition of 5
- Comparing amounts
- Subitising
- Representing quantities to 10
- Create collaboratively sharing ideas, resources, and skills.
- Create a bridge for the Billy Goats Gruff
- Design and make gingerbread men using different materials. Eg collage, puffy paint and chalks.
- Fork printing bear craft
- Chinese New Year crafts– dragons, lamps
- Seasonal/ celebration themed rhymes and songs
- Spring crafts
We will also be reading lots of stories by our class author Roger Hargreaves, as well as lots of stories, poems and non-fiction books.
Autumn 2023
Welcome to your child’s Reception year at St. George & St. Martin’s Catholic Academy.
I am really looking forward to teaching your child and working with you again this year to provide your child with a fantastic Reception Year.
All children have made a fantastic start to the year already, showing us that they are truly ready to learn and eager develop in their academic ability, I am very proud and happy at how much work they are all completing and if they are finding it challenging, they are willing to ask for help and still give things a try. I couldn’t ask for anymore.
Our topic this term is ‘My World and Beyond’, which will be taught through the areas of learning: Religious Education, Communication and Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
In RE, we will be learning about Creation, People who care for us, People who help us, Harvest, Advent and Christmas.
Here are just some of the many activities that the children will be involved in during the next term:
- Learning new rhymes and poems
- Sequencing stories
- Labelling
- Beginning to write words and captions using phonics to form sentences
- Artwork about ourselves and our families
- Learning about our class artist ‘Kandinsky’
- Creation Collages
- People who help us crafts
- Junk modelling
- Working with a variety of media and materials
- Space crafts
- Matching and sorting with criteria
- Comparing amounts
- Comparing size, mass and capacity
- Exploring pattern
- Positional language
- One more and one less
- Shape
- Discussing people who help us and their role in society
- Healthy eating and food choices
- Exploring the season of autumn
- Exploring our local area and where we live. What is Stoke– on Trent famous for?
- Special events and celebrations including Diwali and Bonfire Night
- Exploring Space
We will also be reading lots of stories by our class author Roger Hargreaves, as well as lots of stories, poems and non-fiction books about our world and space.