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We would like to introduce you to our Reception Staff

Mrs Zett - Classteacher 

Miss Humphrey - Special Educational Support Assistant

Welcome to your child’s Reception year at St. George & St. Martin’s Catholic Academy.

Our topic this term is ‘Step into a Story’, which will be taught through the areas of learning: Religious Education, Communication and Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.

In RE, we will be learning about Christmas, People Who Help Us, Lent and Holy Week.

Here are just some of the many activities that the children will be involved in during the next term:

  • Learning new rhymes and poems
  • Seasonal changes in winter
  • Explore the festival of Chinese New Year
  • Make pancakes
  • The Three Little Pigs- Houses and homes- Explore the materials used to make a strong house. Discuss houses and homes from around the world and explore the similarities and differences
  • Jack & the Beanstalk– planting 
  • Seasonal changes in Spring
  • Articulate their ideas and thoughts in well-formed sentences and connect ideas using connectives. Describe events in some detail
  • Use picture clues to help read a simple text
  • Predict and anticipate key events based on illustrations, story content and title
  • Orally compose a sentence and hold it in memory before attempting to write it
  • Read simple phrases and sentences made up of words with known letter–sound correspondences
  • Composition of 5
  • Comparing amounts
  • Subitising
  • Representing quantities to 10
  • Create collaboratively sharing ideas, resources, and skills
  • Create a bridge for the Billy Goats Gruff
  • Design and make gingerbread men using different materials. Eg collage, puffy paint and chalks
  • Fork printing bear craft
  • Chinese New Year crafts– dragons, lamps
  • Seasonal/ celebration themed rhymes and songs
  • Spring crafts

We will also be reading lots of stories by our class author Roger Hargreaves, as well as lots of stories, poems and non-fiction books.